Term 1 Week 2 2025
A Message from the Principal
Reflection - Sr Kym Harris OSB
Student Protection
Parent Orbit App
Our Lady's Catholic Primary School P&F
Uniform Policy
Homework Policy
Mobile Phone & Wearable Technology Policy
Isolated Children's Parents' Association Qld Longreach Branch
Key Dates
St Brigid’s Parish News
Catholic Diocese of Rockhampton
Department of Transport and Main Roads
Community Notices
A Message from the Principal
Dear Parents and Friends,
How wonderful has this change in weather been for our community! Just last week, we were sweltering through 45-degree days, and now we are enjoying beautiful, soaking rain refreshing our grounds. It has certainly been a welcome reprieve, though our new Preppies did feel the sudden drop in temperature—lucky we had a few jumpers in the office to keep them warm!
Yesterday afternoon, we held our first Board Meeting for 2025. It was fantastic to have all members in attendance as we discussed our policy directions for the year ahead and signed our declarations. If there is an improvement agenda you would like us to consider, I encourage you to speak to one of our Board members or myself.
Our 2025 School Board members are:
Mitch Neuendorf (Board Chair), Ruth Tindall, Rhiannon Matthews, Peta-Ann Gowing, Kristie Williamson, Fr Peter Bang, Ange Arthur, Sahlie Komndi-Diggins, and myself.
Following the Board Meeting, we held our P&F AGM, which was well attended both in person and via Zoom—despite the torrential rain! I want to sincerely thank our continuing P&F committee members for their dedication in taking on their roles again this year, and I warmly welcome the new faces joining us.
Our 2025 P&F Executive and Non-Executive Committee members are:
President: Bill Seeney
Vice President: Neil Hammond
Secretary: Sarah Hoolihan
Treasurer: Georgia Seeney
Fundraising Coordinators: Karissa McKeiver & Lisa Neuendorf
Board Representative: Ruth Tindall
Parent Engagement/Pastoral Care: Hannah Batt
A heartfelt thank you to any outgoing members for their time and commitment to supporting our students and school community.
Next Tuesday, we invite all families to our Information Night and Welcome BBQ, starting at 5:30pm. This is a wonderful opportunity to meet your child's teacher, hear about the learning and expectations for the year, and enjoy a relaxed evening with our school community.
📍 Details:
🔹 Time: 5:30pm – 7:00pm
🔹 Location: School oval and classrooms
🔹 Food: Burgers, sausages, and drinks will be served by our P&F team
🔹 What to Bring: Picnic mats and camp chairs for a comfortable evening while the children enjoy the oval
⏳ Classroom Information Sessions:
🟢 Prep – 5:30pm
🟡 Year 1 – 5:45pm
🔵 Year 2 – 6:00pm
🟣 Year 3 – 6:15pm
🟠 Years 4 & 5 – 6:30pm
🔴 Year 6 – 6:45pm
Each session will run for approximately 15 minutes in your child's classroom.
This Sunday at 9:00am, Our Lady’s Catholic Primary School will be ministering our first school Mass at St Brigid’s Parish. This is a special opportunity for us to come together in faith, and I encourage as many families as possible to join us in celebrating this occasion.
I am looking forward to seeing many of you at these upcoming events!
God bless,
Mr Peter Thurecht
Reflection - Sr Kym Harris OSB
Changing expectations
Last Sunday, the Church celebrated the last of the ‘Christmas Celebrations’ – the Presentation of the Lord in the Temple. Forty days after his birth, Mary and Joseph brought Jesus to the Temple. There, two old people recognised him for who he truly is – the Saviour. They had spent years in prayer and expectation of their Saviour…and probably their ideas were somewhat like ours would be, a type of superhero - a person wise, strong, powerful, able to take control of any situation. But what God presented them with was a small baby in the arms of two poor parents. Their faith was such that they could sweep aside their expectations and greet the coming of their God, their Saviour, as he truly was.
We all have expectations in life – on God, ourselves, even our children. And, at times, they can do us a lot of good. But if we are too set in our ways, our own ideas, they can blind as to where and how God truly is working in our lives and the lives of those we love. Take time this week to prayerfully ponder where and how you could see God at work in yourself and in your child/ren. Be prepared to be surprised.
Loving God, open my eyes to see your presence in my life and the lives of those around me. Widen my vision to see you at work where I don’t expect. I ask this in Jesus’ name, confident that you will hear me.
Sr Kym Harris osb
Hi! Welcome to Week 2 of Term 1!
Gospel Reflection:
Luke 2:22-40
My eyes have seen your saving power.
When Mary and Joseph took baby Jesus to the Temple in Jerusalem, they followed Jewish customs by presenting Him to God and offering a sacrifice. There, they met Simeon, a faithful and elderly man who had been promised by the Holy Spirit that he would see the Messiah before he died. When Simeon saw Jesus, he joyfully praised God, calling Him the "light for all nations" and a sign of hope. He also told Mary that Jesus would face great challenges and that she, too, would experience sorrow because of His mission.
Also in the Temple was Anna, an elderly prophetess who had devoted her life to prayer and fasting. When she saw Jesus, she thanked God and spoke about Him to everyone who was waiting for the promised Saviour. Mary and Joseph marvelled at all that was said about their Son. After fulfilling their religious duties, they returned to Nazareth, where Jesus grew in wisdom, strength, and God’s grace. This passage reminds us of the importance of faith, trust in God’s plan, and recognizing Jesus as the light of the world.

Just as Simeon and Anna recognized Jesus as the light of the world, we, too, are called to see Christ in our daily lives, especially within our school community. Their faith and dedication remind us of the importance of prayer, patience, and trust in God’s plan. In our classrooms, playgrounds, and homes, we can follow their example by showing kindness, sharing our faith, and supporting one another.
As we begin this school year, let us embrace the opportunities to grow in wisdom and grace, just as Jesus did. Whether through learning, friendships, or acts of service, we can reflect His light in all that we do. May our school be a place where faith is nurtured, and where, like Simeon and Anna, we joyfully share God’s love with those around us.

OLL Mass:
This Sunday, February 9, at 9:00 AM, Our Lady’s will be leading the Mass at St Brigid’s Church. As our first school-led Mass of the year, it would be wonderful to see as many staff, students, and members of our school community come together in prayer and celebration.
God Bless,
Mr Sahlie Komndi-Diggins
Student Protection
Student Protection is taken very seriously within our school and Diocese. Each year all staff undertake mandatory student protection training at the beginning of the year. This year our School Student Protection Officers are Mr Peter Thurecht, Mr Sahlie Komndi-Diggins, Mrs Belinda Thurecht and Ms Sarah Wall. If you have concerns, please do not hesitate to contact one of our officers.
Parent Orbit App
We're excited to announce a new mobile app for Our Lady's Longreach, Parent Orbit, is now ready for you to download and use.
The Parent Orbit app, which is connected to Parent Lounge, will improve our communication with each other as it offers a quick and easy way to receive notifications, view academic reports, book Parent/Teacher interviews, add Student Absences, view and pay School Fees, accept or decline excursions via the Events and Activities, update student details, email class teachers and much more.
Once you are in the app enter your Username and Password. Your Username is your Parent Code, and your password is the same password that you use to login to Parent Lounge. If you cannot remember your Parent Lounge password, click here to access the "Forget Password?" feature and follow the prompts to reset your password. Please contact the school office on 4994 8375 if you require further assistance.
Please take the time to explore the app as it offers many useful features. A "How To" guide has been included below. The app is very intuitive and will help keep us connected to support the education of your children.
The key features of the Parent Orbit App:
• Instant Notifications: Stay up to date with the latest announcements and important
alerts on your smartphone (be sure to enable Notifications)
• Events and Payments: Easily approve excursion attendance or make fee payments
• Medical Details: Keep your student’s medical details up to date
• Attendance Tracking: Easily track attendance and notify the School of your student's
• Event Calendar: Stay informed about school events, meetings, and important dates
• Parent Teacher Interviews: Schedule parent-teacher interviews and receive
• Academic Reports: View and download your student’s school reports
How to download the Parent Orbit App
To download the app, scan the following QR code or follow the directions below

For iOS (iPhone and iPad) Users:
• On the iPhone or iPad device you would like to install Parent Orbit
• Once the App Store page for the app appears, tap "Get" or "Download"
• You may be prompted to enter your Apple ID password or use Touch ID/Face ID to
confirm the download
• After the download is complete, tap "Open" to launch the app
• Please ensure you enable Notifications

For Android Users:
• On the Android device you would like to install the Parent Orbit app
• Once the Google Play Store page for the app appears, tap "Install"
• The app will request certain permissions; tap "Accept" to grant them
• After the installation is complete, tap "Open" to launch the app
• Please ensure you enable Notifications

Setting Up Your Account
Once you have successfully downloaded and installed the app, follow these steps to set up your account:
1. Open ‘Parent Orbit’
2. Type “oll” (in lower case) into the School Code box and click Submit
3. Select Our Lady’s Catholic Primary School, then ‘Continue’
4. Enter your Parent Code (same 6 digit number Username as Parent Lounge which can be found under ‘Account Number’ on your Fee Statement) and Password (the same Password for Parent Lounge), then select ‘Login’
5. Parent Orbit will request access to your student information from Parent Lounge, select ‘Allow’
6. Parent Orbit will request permission to send Notifications, select ‘Allow’
7. You can now navigate Parent Orbit
Please note: A red dot signifies either; a notification, something that needs action ie. Events and Payments or an absence to acknowledge
8. Information such as links or contact details for the school can be obtained via the side bar. This can be accessed by hitting the hamburger menu button located in the top left corner, or by swiping right.
9. For extra security when accessing the parent orbit app, Face ID or a PIN can be setup (dependant on phone settings). This can be done by first going to the settings page and then selecting Face ID or PIN to be enabled.

Our Lady's Catholic Primary School P&F
Last night, we had the pleasure of hosting our very first P&F meeting for 2025, alongside our AGM. We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to everyone who attended and showed their support. A big congratulations to the following members on their well-deserved appointments!
Executive Committee Members
President: Mr Bill Seeney
Vice President: Mr Neil Hammond
Secretary: Mrs Sarah Hoolihan
Treasurer: Mrs Georgia Seeney
Non-Executive Committee Members
Fundraising Organiser: Mrs Lisa Neuendorf & Ms Karissa McKeiver
Board Representative: Ms Ruth Tindall
Parent Engagement & Pastoral Care: Mrs Hannah Batt
Parent Info Night
Our very first event for 2025 that calls for parent volunteers is our Parent Information Night, taking place on Tuesday, 11th February, starting at 5:30 PM. We would love your support to help make this evening a success!
Please click the following link to sign up to assist with serving and cooking: https://signup.zone/ReLsJvZHmBjrPjRRy
125 Years Celebration High Tea
Call for Volunteers & Donations, the Parents & Friends Association (P&F) has been invited to support the school's 125-year anniversary celebrations on Saturday, 1st March, by hosting a high tea during the festivities.
To ensure the success of this event, we are seeking:
- Volunteers to assist with serving food on the day.
- Donations of homemade baked goods or finger foods to be served.
- Monetary contributions for the purchase of food supplies, for those who prefer to support in this way.
Your generosity and support will help make this milestone celebration truly special for our school community. Please click the following link to sign up: https://signup.zone/TLaeCjBSPe4xpgAQd
For further information or to express your interest in volunteering or donating, please contact Lisa Neuendorf at the school office or via email at lisa_neuendorf@rok.catholic.edu.au
Uniform Policy
Homework Policy
Homework Policy Update for 2025
Another important agenda the School Board focused on in 2024 is our Homework Policy, which has come into effect at the beginning of 2025. After thoughtful consideration, some significant changes have been made to better align with the developmental needs of our students.
For students in Prep to Year 2, homework will still remain optional. At this early stage of learning, we recognise that students often require an adult to assist with homework tasks. Understanding the busy schedules of families, we know this won’t always be possible, and as such, we encourage, at the very least, regular reading at home. Reading together as a family fosters a love for learning and is an excellent way to build essential literacy skills.
For students in Years 3 to 6, homework will be compulsory. As children move into the middle and upper years of primary school, we aim to instil greater independence and a sense of responsibility in their learning. The rigor of homework at these levels is designed to support the development of key skills that will benefit them throughout their educational journey.
We are excited to see how these changes will positively impact both our students and their learning experiences moving forward!
Mobile Phone & Wearable Technology Policy

Isolated Children's Parents' Association Qld Longreach Branch

Family Support Program
Isolated Children's Parents' Association (ICPA) is committed to advocating for equitable education access, opportunities and support for all rural and remote students. Motivated by this commitment the ICPA Longreach Branch is initiating a program that enables our Longreach and district families to access up to $500 in financial assistance toward educational, sporting or cultural/arts support or activities for your children.
• Educational support for your child may include, but is not limited to, speech therapy, occupational therapy, paediatrician appointment, or literacy and numeracy support.
• Sporting activities relate specifically to those students selected to represent our region at North West Sports or a specialised coaching clinic.
• Cultural/Arts activities may include music or drama workshops such as SHEP.
Eligibility criteria include:
• Membership of the ICPA Longreach Branch. ($50 p/a https://icpa.com.au/qld/membership)
• The child receiving the support lives in the Longreach 4730 / Ilfracombe 4727 postcode area.
• The child is aged up to 17 years of age.
• If the child is of school age, the child must be attending a Longreach or Ilfracombe school.
• No more than one application per child to be submitted per calendar year.
• Evidence that your child received the support or participated in the activity.
The ICPA Longreach Branch Family Support Program financial assistance is on a reimbursement basis. Upon receipt of a paid invoice/receipt and proof that your child received the educational support and/or participated in the sporting/cultural activity, up to $500 will be paid via bank transfer to your nominated account.
ICPA Longreach Branch has allocated a capped budget for this program, so once allocated funds have been spent, the program may be modified with the aim of providing assistance to the maximum number of families in our Branch. The ICPA Longreach Branch committee reserves the right to assess applications on a case by case basis. The Committee's decision is final in all application assessments. Your input and feedback on this Family Support Program is welcome as we aspire to provide a useful service to our Branch members.
If you are seeking educational support for your child and you're not sure where to start looking, these are providers in our Longreach area:
• Virtual or face-to-face speech therapy, https://popfamily.au/about/
• Little Legs - Occupational Therapy based in Central West, https://www.littlelegsot.com.au/
• Outback Futures - multiple services, https://outbackfutures.org.au/
Please email icpa.longreach@gmail.com for more information on this program, or to submit an application form.
Please note there will be no tuckshop available on Friday 28th February due to 125 year celebrations.

Key Dates
Term 1 2025 | Tuesday 28th January | Friday 4th April |
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Term 2 2025 | Wednesday 23rd April | Friday 27th June |
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Term 3 2025 | Monday 14th July | Friday 19th September |
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Term 4 2025 | Tuesday 7th October | Wednesday 3rd December |
St Brigid’s Parish News

Please follow us on Facebook for up to date information on what’s happening in the St Brigid’s Parish. https://m.facebook.com/people/Central-West-QLD-Catholic-Church/100080215845014/
Catholic Diocese of Rockhampton

Department of Transport and Main Roads

Do you have kids at School and looking to earn some extra money?
Are you semi-retired looking for a little extra cash?
Over 18yrs of age and perhaps @ home studying online and can spare some time, whilst earning some pocket money.
Shifts vary between Approx 1 hour in the morning and ½ hour in afternoon
Would you like to earn money and Help our State School? 🙋
Transport and Main Roads is looking for casual school crossing supervisors at our Primary School to help get our kids safely to and from school!
✅ Generous casual pay-rate starting at $37 per hour
✅ Morning and afternoon shifts
✅ Long-service leave entitlements
✅ The Queensland Government superannuation scheme.
If this sounds like something you'd be interested in, Contact below
To be deemed suitable for the role, some criteria apply, which include requirements to:
👉 pass a basic health assessment
👉 hold a current blue card or Able to apply
Both requirements we pay for, plus paid training will be given.
For more information or to apply, 07 4983 8747 or 0438 838 740
Community Notices
Max Flaherty - Junior Development Tennis Coach

Longreach Stingrays

Central West Hospital & Health Services
Meet your Nurse Navigators!
Central West Hospital and Health Service (CWHHS) Nurse Navigators are a team of experienced registered nurses who can help coordinate your care.
With expert clinical knowledge and a good understanding of the health system, Nurse Navigators focus on your entire care journey and all your health needs, not just on a specific disease or condition.
Our team covers the Central West, providing support to patients of any age group who have complex health conditions and are in need of a high level of clinical care.
Nurse Navigators can help you understand your medical conditions, talk to you about how you’re feeling, and discuss treatment options and plans of care.
So next time you see them in your neck of the woods, say hello to Carol, Simone, Suzie and Louise (pictured left to right).
Call 07 4652 5500 or visit this link to get in touch with our dedicated team: https://www.centralwest.health.qld.gov.au/patients-and-visitors/nurse-navigators

Below is an invitation for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander persons to attend a 715 Health check.
Our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health team is hosting a First Nations health clinic at the Longreach Primary Care Clinic (former bulk billing clinic).
This is a great opportunity for you to get your 715 Health Check.
This 715 health check helps identify whether you are at risk of illnesses or chronic conditions.
The team will be giving out Deadly Choices t-shirts to all who complete their health check.
Call 0499714995 to book your appointment Details in the poster 👇